Welcome to the Duck Boat Company!​
TDB is the company that revolutionized waterfowling by introducing the first ever Boat-Blind option to hunters across the nation. TDB's are often described as the best built, safest, most durable, high-quality fiberglass boats available. Our boats stand out for their incredible stable shooting platform, their shallow draft, and the original sloping TDB Boat-Blind design.
For over 40 years, TDB's have been built in America and used by generations of hunters across the country and Canada. We are taking orders for the TDB 14', 17', and 21' SeaClass models for the 2024 and 2025 season. We also offer the TDB 14' Classic, TDB/AA Wigeon, TDB/AA BlackJack, and TDB Scull Boat models.

This is TDB.
Please join our TDB Newsletter & Mailing List for updates, announcements, and special offerings... and add any friends to our mailing list that you think may be interested! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or the TDB Owners Page to find photos, information, and news, and always feel free to reach out to us with any questions, info@TDBco.com!