Get to Know Us...

Personalized Approach
Historically, TDB, Co. was a family-owned business offering uniquely personalized service. Olsen Marine continues this tradition in our service and sales. Tom Olsen and his wife, Elizabeth, have owned Olsen Marine, Inc. since 1986. Tom started with boat repairs and remodeling as a side venue to his professional sailing career and sailmaking shop. As time went by, Tom realized the satisfaction he gained from the hands-on building and manufacturing. Over the years, Olsen Marine's projects has included boats from 13' Boston Whalers, to new construction of a wooden/composite 50' Racing Sloop, and rehabbing our 54' Huckins Motor Yacht.

Experience, Commitment
The Olsen family has spent their life on the water. Beyond boatbuilding, Tom is a professional sailor, and a lifetime fishing and fowling sportsman. His son, Nate, attended Massachusetts Maritime Academy and is an avid duck hunter who directed the company's interest towards TDB, Co. As a TDB boat owner, he developed a passion for the product. Together, Tom and Nate's boatbuilding and waterfowling knowledge dovetailed perfectly for the rebirth of The Duck Boat Company.
Quality & Safety
Our Olsen Marine, Inc. shop is located on Cape Cod in East Dennis, Massachusetts. It encompasses 8,000 square feet with separate areas set up for spraying, woodworking, engine work, fiberglassing and a CNC router. We employ 4-6 craftsmen, depending on the season and schedule. Tom brings decades of custom boat building experience to the table. Nate, as a licensed Merchant Mariner and a Firefighter, is always current on USCG standards, requirements and safety. Together they maintain the building quality and safe construction that TDB Company brought to the market decades ago.